What is ISO 50001:2011 ?
ISO 50001:2011 is the International Standard for Energy Management, released in June 2011 that replaces the British and European Standard BS EN 16001:2009.
It provides the most robust framework for optimizing energy efficiency in public and private sector organisations.
Certification to this standard defines an organisations commitment to continual improvement in energy management. Implementation will enable an organisation to lead by example within their respective industries and ensure related legislative and regulatory requirements are met.

Who is ISO 50001 applicable to?
Organisations of all types and sizes can benefit from energy and cost efficiencies through the implementation of this standard.
What are the benefit of ISO 50001 certification?
- Significant financial savings can be achieved through increased energy efficiency. (Ofgem forecast energy prices will rise by at least 20% by 2020)
- Enhanced marketing capabilities. Make your business stand out.
- ISO 50001 is the most robust energy management system, enabling organisations continual improvements on energy performance
- Organisations can ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
- System Compatibility; ISO 50001 can be integrated with existing management systems
- If registered to ISO 14001, the ‘basic framework’ is already there
- Ensure best practice energy management systems are in place
- BS EN 16001 framework facilitates the management of energy bills and expenditure.
How to gain certification to ISO 50001?
- Applications for certification can be made by completing the EnMS questionnaire
- Assessment to ISO 50001 is undertaken by TQV. This consists of two mandatory visits which form the Initial Certification Audit
- Certification is granted by TQV and maintained by the client. Maintenance is confirmed through a programme of annual surveillance visits and a re-certification audit every three years.
TQV Certification Process
TQV has a unique approach of certification which complies with the requirement for bodies providing audit and certification of management system.
to know about more information of the certification process by TQV